Why I Love Activated Charcoal – the ultimate natural remedy!

activated charcoal

Disclaimer: When learning about activated charcoal, keep in mind that I am not a medical doctor and nothing in this article should be taken as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor before using any natural remedies. I am only informing you of how I use the product for the health of myself and my family. There are Affiliate links in this post to recommend the products that we use. Our Affiliate policy can be found here.

activated charcoal
Image by Freepik

What is Activated Charcoal?

Not the barbecue charcoal from your grill! Activated charcoal is produced by super heating wood or other flammable products transforming them. Activated charcoal has tiny pores and enormous surface area! Think of it like a microscopic super sponge. It is safe for internal use and external use.

What is it Good For?

Charcoal is recommended for tummy problems from such as gas, but it also helps treat stomach flu or food poisoning.

Charcoal is a consistent ingredient in water filtration systems but it can also help fight infections topically or internally by drawing out and absorbing impurities, bacteria, etc.

Studies have shown that a single dose of activated charcoal – which is between 50-100 grams – is able to reduce the absorption of toxins by up to 74%.

Charcoal can even help take the load off ailing kidneys by absorbing impurities and carrying them out of the body, thus reducing the kidneys’ work.

activated charcoal capsules

Amazon has hundreds of brands to choose from making it easy to keep plenty on hand for emergencies. When shopping for activated charcoal, I look for vegetarian capsules which can be taken orally or easily opened to mix the powder in a drink.

Charcoal can actually lower LDL (bad) cholesterol. By binding to LDL cholesterol in the gut, activated charcoal prevents it from entering the bloodstream. 24 grams of activated charcoal each day for a total of four weeks was able to reduce both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol by 25%, according to one study. Best of all, it has no side effects!!!

Maybe you’ve noticed the sudden popularity of charcoal tooth paste and facial skin treatments? Yup, it does that too! It even helps eliminate acne.

Charcoal can reduce the signs of aging by… you guessed it… eliminating the buildup of toxins in the body.

Other Amazing Uses!

Snake bites and spider bites? You really should see a doctor for that, but it wouldn’t hurt to put a charcoal poultice on the bite in an emergency situation while you seek medical treatment. You can make a poultice by applying using gauze, activated charcoal, and coconut oil and tightly wrap the bite so that the coconut oil-soaked activated charcoal is in direct contact with the bite.

Did you hike through some Poison Oak and Poison Ivy? Don’t scratch it! Instead apply a charcoal poultice (see the above paragraph) and rest easy!

I recommend you stock up today and keep this awesome product in your medical supplies! With so many uses, you’ll never know when you’ll need it! If you enjoyed learning about charcoal, check out some of my other blog posts and don’t forget to subscribe!

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